drugtrack :: Ecstasy
4 * EcstasyEcstasy is a product (tablet, capsule, powder) with a molecule of the chemical family of amphetamines, MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), responsible for the psychoactive effects of hallucinogens. Effects and Risks
After a period of "floating", settled a certain euphoria, a feeling of well-being and "empathy." These effects are felt 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion. Sometimes, however, comes a feeling of anxiety, an inability to communicate. In general, the effects last between four and six hours before "the Downhill"Akin to a form of depression more or less intense.
In case of concomitant use with other substances, risk increased: for example in association with theAlcohol or Cannabis in a context of celebration, or in combination with certain drugs, some HIV treatments, some antidepressants or simply aspirin.
Psychic effectsSubjective experience it is intensified (color, music, taste) and a change of sentiment, as well as an expansion of consciousness compared with the "inner world" (with chronic use of Ecstasy in particular to young consumers may come to the so-called "syndrome amotivational with passivity, apathy, the efficiency loss, weakness, inability to endure frustration and social withdrawal in itself. Studies of P. Mann (1987) led to the following observations: Consumption "casual" of marihuana and hashish is comparatively harmless to adults with a psyche strengthened and enhanced social status. With young people, who are still in the development of personality and willing adult neurotic that occasional use may however lead to permanent consumption and "amotivational syndrome" related to this issue. In addition, the suspicion is that consolidates Cannabis - like alcohol - in the physiological sense and may lead to psychological dependence. see also TCL. MILDT notes on this: "Effects and hazards of Ecstasy: The effects of consumption of ecstasy are variables: slight euphoria, accompanied by a feeling of calm and a desire spontaneous laughter, mild drowsiness. Users of all ages typically consume for pleasure and relaxation. High doses cause early difficulties in accomplishing a task, disrupt the perception of time, visual perception and immediate memory, and cause lethargy. These effects can be dangerous if you drive a car, if we use some machines. " On the issue of ecstasy dependence and they note: "Repeated use and abuse of ecstasy can lead to dependence psychic medium to high depending on the individual. However, experts agree that physical dependence is minimal. However, regular use, often revealing problems, is worrying, especially when very young users. "
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